EASTPARIS BAPTISTCHURCH ENRICHING, EQUIPPING ENGAGING East Paris Baptist Charch ENIGAN SENAING exceed elevate \kids Student Ministries Mother's ASPARE Day Out MIssion Station Worship unday 11am Meal & Bible Study Weanesday 30om Resale Shop Tuesoay 0opm6.00pm Thursday 10 00an 100em 12 Months - 5 Years $55 Weekly Bahin PM h Campue Real Wemen CELEBRATE RECOVERY Sunday 5:00pm EPBC HEARTS MHOF COUAG FAST PARIS MENSMNSTRY "It is our vision to reach Paris, NE Texas, North America, and the Nations for Jesus Christ." SUNDAY SERVICES - MAIN CAMPUS Online and Facebook Service: 9am I Drive in Service: 10am 725 N Collegiate Dr. I 903.784.3258 I www.EastParis.org EASTPARIS BAPTISTCHURCH ENRICHING, EQUIPPING ENGAGING East Paris Baptist Charch ENIGAN SENAING exceed elevate \kids Student Ministries Mother's ASPARE Day Out MIssion Station Worship unday 11am Meal & Bible Study Weanesday 30om Resale Shop Tuesoay 0opm6.00pm Thursday 10 00an 100em 12 Months - 5 Years $55 Weekly Bahin PM h Campue Real Wemen CELEBRATE RECOVERY Sunday 5:00pm EPBC HEARTS MHOF COUAG FAST PARIS MENSMNSTRY "It is our vision to reach Paris, NE Texas, North America, and the Nations for Jesus Christ." SUNDAY SERVICES - MAIN CAMPUS Online and Facebook Service: 9am I Drive in Service: 10am 725 N Collegiate Dr. I 903.784.3258 I www.EastParis.org