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  • Published Date

    February 26, 2019
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AARP Auto & Home Insurance Program or SEE HOW YOU COULD SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER INSURANCE FIND OUT ABOUT THE AARP® AUTO & HOME INSURANCE PROGRAM FROM THE HARTFORD1 As your local Hartford independent agent, we can show you how to save even more when you bundle your auto and home insurance together! Call for your free, no-obligation quote: (903) 784-7459 WOODBY INSURANCE AGENCY Ken Woodby 2250 LAMAR AVENUE PARIS, TX, 75460 The AARP Asbomobile&Homeowners Inturance Program fm The Hartlord is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insu affiates. One Hartord Placa, Hartors CT 06155 CA nse number 5152 n Washington, the Auto Program is underwniten by Trumbul Insurance Company. The Home Program es underwniten by Hartford Undenenters Insurance Company AARP does not emplay or endonse agents or bgkrs AARP and its a laes are not iesarers. Paid endoesernent. The Hartford pays toyalty lees to AARP loe the se of its intellechsal propety. These fees are used foe the general purposes of AARP AARP membership is required for Program eligbity in most states Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not quality Specitic featares, credts, and discounes muy vary and may not be avalable in al sates in accordance ith stae ings and pplicable law. You have the opton of puchasing a policy Grectly from The Hatlond. Your price, however coud vary, and you will not have the advice counsel or services of your independent agent rance Company and ts In Texas, the Acto Pregran is underwrittes by Southem County Mutoal lsurance Com paty, throup Hartord af Teas General Agency. InG. Hartord Fire lesarance Company and its aliates are not tinancially responsible for istarance products undewriten and issed by Southern Coonly Mutsa Iesarance Compary The Hone Program is sederwrilten ty Twin City Fire Insurance Conpany