Hometown communities are about family, friends and helping one another! David and his precious family have been blessed with all three items such as titanium eyeglass frames and other jewelry/metals that cannot be torched. The store also fea- David has been in the jewelry busi- ness since 1979 and was trained by a 2nd generation jeweler, W.M. House Jr. David's mission is to always be the best in the industry -his dedication to integrity within his craft tures a window where you can watch the Goldsmith at work, allowing a transparen- cy with our customers while showcasing the tremendous talent and work of and his promise of selling product you can trust back up this mission, No one backs up their product like David House Jewelry. They art. A family com C mercial with their grandchildren Sadie, Jaxx and David House Ellie has been a big hit and every one loved being have easy in-store JEWELRY financing with 6 a "movie star" for the day. Sadie months no inter- Where Everything Shirnes est, or up to 36 months to pay. The service of provid ing financing helps the customer buy quality jewelry that is affordable and Ellie love to play jewelry store and serve custom ers with sparkly gems, and Jaxx is amazed watching Danielle work on and they can trust jewelry projects and says he wants to learn how someday. David House Jewelry features the largest wed ding and engage- ment ring selec- tion in all of NE David and Lisa are a big part of the Paris commu- nity including The Rotary Club, Boys Texas and SE Oklahoma, includ- ing diamonds of all colors. They also featuring ment of fine jewelry including diamond necklaces, studs, anniversary rings, colored stones, fashion jewelry, watches clocks and gifts. They offer free one-day sizing on your diamond ring purchases at no charge. In today's jewelry industry. this is truly a unique first-class service and provides an enormous comfort level for the customer. and Girls Club, and The Salvation Army. David has his gemologist certification from the Gem- ological Institute of America. an assort- David House Jewelry is located at 4207 Lamar Avenue, in a 2-story grey brick building. at the corner of Lamar Avenue and 42nd Street NE- with our own red light. We are proud to serve all of Northeast Texas and Southeast Oklahoma Remember David House Jewelry - Where Everything Shines! David House Jewelry has an impres sive, state-of-the-art Laser Welder to fix VOTED BEST JEWELER FOR OVER 20 YEARS! Hometown communities are about family, friends and helping one another! David and his precious family have been blessed with all three items such as titanium eyeglass frames and other jewelry/metals that cannot be torched. The store also fea- David has been in the jewelry busi- ness since 1979 and was trained by a 2nd generation jeweler, W.M. House Jr. David's mission is to always be the best in the industry -his dedication to integrity within his craft tures a window where you can watch the Goldsmith at work, allowing a transparen- cy with our customers while showcasing the tremendous talent and work of and his promise of selling product you can trust back up this mission, No one backs up their product like David House Jewelry. They art. A family com C mercial with their grandchildren Sadie, Jaxx and David House Ellie has been a big hit and every one loved being have easy in-store JEWELRY financing with 6 a "movie star" for the day. Sadie months no inter- Where Everything Shirnes est, or up to 36 months to pay. The service of provid ing financing helps the customer buy quality jewelry that is affordable and Ellie love to play jewelry store and serve custom ers with sparkly gems, and Jaxx is amazed watching Danielle work on and they can trust jewelry projects and says he wants to learn how someday. David House Jewelry features the largest wed ding and engage- ment ring selec- tion in all of NE David and Lisa are a big part of the Paris commu- nity including The Rotary Club, Boys Texas and SE Oklahoma, includ- ing diamonds of all colors. They also featuring ment of fine jewelry including diamond necklaces, studs, anniversary rings, colored stones, fashion jewelry, watches clocks and gifts. They offer free one-day sizing on your diamond ring purchases at no charge. In today's jewelry industry. this is truly a unique first-class service and provides an enormous comfort level for the customer. and Girls Club, and The Salvation Army. David has his gemologist certification from the Gem- ological Institute of America. an assort- David House Jewelry is located at 4207 Lamar Avenue, in a 2-story grey brick building. at the corner of Lamar Avenue and 42nd Street NE- with our own red light. We are proud to serve all of Northeast Texas and Southeast Oklahoma Remember David House Jewelry - Where Everything Shines! David House Jewelry has an impres sive, state-of-the-art Laser Welder to fix VOTED BEST JEWELER FOR OVER 20 YEARS!